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Friday, February 15, 2008

TOGAF Framework for Infrastructure Architecture

TOGAF the framework from the open group ( for the development of enterprise architecture can be easily adapted for development Infrastructure Architecture only. TOGAF provides some powerful methods. I have used it quite successfully in number of cases. I use the following phases from the Architecture development Methods (ADM).

Architecture vision
a) Identify business Goals and Business drivers
b) Review Architecture Principles
c) Define scope
d) Define constrains
e) Identify Stakeholders concerns and business requirements

The above provides inputs to the Technology Architecture or Infrastructure architecture development phase. I follow the following steps to create a broad technology / Infrastructure architecture

a) Create a baseline Technology description
b) Create an Architecture model of building blocks
c) Select the service portfolio requirement per building blocks
d) Develop the Target Technology / Infrastructure architecture
e) Gap analysis between Baseline and Target Architecture

Gap analysis provides inputs to the Opportunities & Solution Phase where projects can be identified .

The detail migration planning can be done subsequently in the Migration Planning Phase of ADM .

TOGAF can be successfully combined with the ITIL V3.0 to create the Service Strategy, Service Design and Service transitions. I will explain those in the a subsequent blog .

Of course the ADM method can be customized to individual project requirements.

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